Natlex Group is an IT company located in Joensuu. We specialize in web and mobile software development for European customers. One of the new areas we are currently developing is software for intellig...
Asiakasyrityksemme Software Point etsii kokenutta Senior Software Engineeriä vahvistamaan ohjelmistokehitystiimiä. Tässä roolissa pääset työskentelemään uusien ominaisuuksien ja moduulien parissa sekä...
Our Software Development company Emphasoft Nordic Oy is currently planning to start a new software project targeted at figure skating professionals. The software is intended for use by both coaches an...
We are now looking for Software Developer to our client company until the end of this year. We are expecting you to have experience in many technologies that you can read more about below. Please appl...
We at Rocsole are experts in electrical tomography and its application to fluid systems, such as pipelines, refineries, or manufacturing production plants. With blue-chip partners, weve worked hard to...