Jobs in Others - cities
Rovaniemi 79 jobs
Hämeenlinna 71 jobs
Kouvola 57 jobs
Lappeenranta 56 jobs
Jobs in Others - professions
Professional services managers 38 jobs
Specialist medical practitioners 23 jobs
Street and market salespersons 15 jobs
Kitchen helpers 13 jobs
Software developers 12 jobs
Primary school teachers 11 jobs
Service and sales workers 10 jobs
Legislators and senior officials 10 jobs
Restaurant managers 9 jobs
Clerical support workers 7 jobs
Applications programmers 7 jobs
Production clerks 6 jobs
Systems administrators 6 jobs
Financial analysts 6 jobs
Other services managers 6 jobs
Dairy products makers 5 jobs
Transport clerks 4 jobs
Customer services clerks 4 jobs
Sports and fitness workers 4 jobs
Forestry technicians 4 jobs
Mining managers 4 jobs
Civil engineering labourers 3 jobs
Mobile plant operators 3 jobs
Locomotive engine drivers 3 jobs
Security guards 3 jobs
Medical secretaries 3 jobs
Social welfare managers 3 jobs